Penanaman Konsep Ilmu Keguruan Dan Pembentukan Karakter Calon Guru Bahasa Indonesia FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Berbasis Rumpun Model Sosial

Winarti Winarti


The students’ abilities in campus were influenced by teaching and learning process. If the teacher learning is organized by the teacher well, the students will get the abilities. The teaching learning process based on lecturers’ views and understanding about definition and the nature of teaching and learning. In addition, lecturers must be able to instill concepts and theories related to teacher science and must equip students with character values so that later will create scholars who excel in knowledge and have character values. The purpose of this study, students are able to master the science of teacher and formed the character of prospective teachers according to national education goals. The method used in this study, the experimental method. The study was conducted in three cycles. Each cycle has four stages, namely planning, action, observation, and reflection.

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