This study found that peer feedback effect on students’ achievement in writing narrative text. It was conducted by using experimental design. The population was X-1 and X-2 students of Mas Pp At-taufiqurrahman. There are consist 40 students. The sample of two classes devided into two groups, experimental group and control group which were chosen random sampling by using lottery technique. The grade X-1 as experimental group was taught by using peer feedback and grade X-2 as control group was taught conventional method. The instruments used in this research was written test. After analyzing the data, the writer got; The students achievement in writing narrative text by peer feedback got the mean 77.700 and standar deviation was 8.985 ; The students’ achievement in writing narrative text by using conventional got the mean 56.600 and standard deviation was 6.269. The value of t- observed was 3.207 and that of t-table was 1.671. So the value of t-observed was higher than that of t-table. It showed that Ho rejected and Ha accepted. there was significant effect of using peer feedback strategy on students’ achievement in writing narrative text.
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