Syaukani Syaukani, Intan Zulfira Pane


The research was intended to know the effectiveness of Word Find
Puzzle in the students’ vocabulary mastery which was observed and
analyzed from students of tenth grade at SMA Baitul Aziz Bandar
Klippa. The method used was quatitative research by using the
experimental research design. The population of this study was
tenth grade students of SMA Baitul Aziz Bandar Klippa. In taking
the sample of this research, the researchers took some students in
each classes as the sample used and divided into 2 classes,
experimental and control. There were 34 students in the
experimental and 26 students in control. The researchers taught by
using the Word Find Puzzle in the experimental class and taught by
using lecturing method in control class.The researchers used pretest,

treatment, and post-test. In control class the score increase
59,23 between pre-test and post-test, but in experimental class the
score increase about 68,85. By calculated by used SPSS V24, The
researcherss concluded that there was a significant effect of the
application of the Word Find Puzzle learning approach on learning
outcomes, it can be seen from the results of the analysis that this is
indicated by the results of hypothesis testing which indicate that the
Sig. (2 - tailed) <0.05 (0.000 <0.05) and the value of t_ (count)> t
table (6.365> 1.992). Then in post test the researchers found that
the value of Sig. (2tailed) is 0,923. It is bigger than 0,05
(0,923>0,05) Sig. in T-Test (2tailed) is 0,002. It was less than 0,05
(0,002>0,05), so there was a significant different between the
experiment class and control class. In other words, the students’
achievement in vocabulary mastery is more effective by using Word
Find Puzzle than lecturing method.

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