Yayuk Hayulina Manurung


The lack of students’ English-speaking performance seems to
be common problems found in the department of English
education at the University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera
Utara. Those problems involve the lack of fluency and
proficiency in English speaking skills. This study aimed to
analyze the students’ English-speaking performance and the
challenges faced by them. This research applied a descriptive
qualitative design. The data such as the documents,
observation, and interviews were applied. In analyzing the
data concerning the components of data analysis in the
interactive model, it was proposed by Miles and Huberman
(2016). The data were taken questionnaire from 125 EFL of
second-year students were collected, then the researcher also
conducted the individual interviews with lecturers and class
observation. The result showed that the most challenging
factor faced by the students' speaking performance was related
to the students themselves. Speaking errors were frequently
made. The errors dominantly covered into 3 categories namely
misused forms (44.8 %), incorrect omission (33.6%), and
misplaced and confusing words (21.2 %). Concerning the
external factors, the updated teaching strategies should be
applied in terms of reducing the use of the mother tongue by
combining various speaking performances, collaborating with
other lecturers to organize more English programs, and share
the speaking teaching experience.

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