Achmad Ramadhan


This paper is aimed to describe the most important concept in doing, namely إخلاص and its application. The description of this important concept covers some aspects: 1) the definition and meaning of إخلاص both etymologically and terminologically, 2) the interpretations of the Muslim scholars dealing with the concept, 3) the conjugation or تَصْرِيْفٌ of the term إخلاص, 4) the definition and meaning of إخلاص, 5) the instruction to apply إخلاص in the religious observance, 6) the advantage of إخلاص in al-Qur’an. Based on the descriptions above, it can be concluded that the concept of   إخلاص covers some aspects as follows: 1) the term  إخلاص is not directly written as an order for instance, but it’s derivations or the other verb, 2) the term إخلاص  deals with tauhid purity and all kinds of religious service either العبادة المحضة or العبادة  غير  المحضة   , 3) The term of  إخلاص with its derivations in al-Qur’an goes not only to the verbs, like the muslim servant’s activities, like  لِيَعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ , but also to the nouns, likeخالصا   لبنا (QS. النحل : 66), 4) the application of إخلاص starts from a heart decision, 5) to have and apply  إخلاص is a key to have the immense value, Heaven.

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